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healthiest nuts for the body

Top 10 healthiest nuts for the body

Published on July 8, 2020

Nuts are one of the best options for a healthy snack. If you are looking for a healthy and delicious snack, you shouldn’t miss nuts!

Nuts are rich in fibre and protein and provide many health benefits. Studies show that eating nuts on a regular basis help you stay fit and protect your body against chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Nuts and health benefits

Fortunately, people pay more attention to their health than they used to! One of the fantastic ways of staying fit and healthy is eating nuts. But before adding nuts to your diet, it is better to get familiar with the benefits of nuts and the healthiest ones.

Nuts are rich in fibre, protein, and fat such as omega-3, omega-6, vitamins, minerals, and magnesium, making them a good alternative for unhealthy snacks.

Surprisingly, nuts are effective in people’s longevity! As the researches show, nuts prevent the body from chronic diseases, so don’t miss nuts!

Nuts and body weight
At first glance, it may seem that nuts and seeds are fatty and may end up in weight gain! But the truth is all the fat and oil in nuts and seeds are healthy and good for your body. In other words, there is good fat in nuts, which your body needs it.

Surprisingly, it has been found that the more nuts you eat, the lower the body fat you will experience.

What are the healthiest nuts?

Generally, nuts are rich in fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals that can lower cholesterol levels, reduce cancer risk, keep the body fit and healthy, and protect the body from heart diseases, etc.

It seems to be surprising, right?

health benefit of nuts

Let’s know more about nuts!

1- Pistachios

Eating pistachios for a long time can have an effective and good result on our body and health. You can eat pistachios in different tastes and types such as raw pistachio, roasted pistachio, slivered pistachio, roasted and salted pistachio, pistachio paste, pistachio kernel, etc.

Now, let’s know the benefits of the delicious pistachio nuts:

  • It is antioxidant
  • Lowers cholesterol level
  • Controls blood sugar level
  • It is anti-inflammatory
  • High in protein and fibre
  • Lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes

2- Walnuts

Walnut is known as one of the healthiest nuts because of its numerous health benefits, and it is full of amazing stuff. They are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid. You can buy both walnuts in-shell and raw walnuts at Natural Moreish.

  • Fights breast cancer
  • It is antioxidant
  • Rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • Contains vitamin E
  • Reduces cholesterol level
  • Helps normal flow of blood in the body
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Has beneficial effects on the brain

3- Almonds

Almonds come in different tastes, such as raw almond, dry roasted almond, roasted and salted almond, flaked almond, slivered almond, etc. Moreover, you can consume almonds in different ways, such as almond flour, almond butter, almond milk, etc.

Here are the benefits of eating almonds:

  • Helps weight loss
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Improves the cholesterol level
  • Source of vitamin E, calcium, magnesium
  • Source of calcium
  • Lowers the blood sugar level

4- Macadamia nuts

Aside from the fact that they are so delicious, eating macadamia nuts is a way of lowering the risk of heart diseases.

  • Lowers the cholesterol
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease
  • Source of manganese and Thiamine
  • Reduces stress

5- Cashews

Both raw cashews and roasted and salted cashews are delicious with many health benefits that are mentioned below:

  • It is anti-inflammatory
  • Contains phosphorous, magnesium, copper, and manganese
  • Improves the symptoms of metabolic syndrome
  • Improves blood pressure
  • It is effective for blood sugar level
  • Helps weight loss
  • Reduces blood pressure

6- Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are delicious and provide a lot of health benefits that you shouldn’t miss. You can use hazelnuts in different forms, such as raw hazelnuts, hazelnut meal, hazelnut extract, etc.

  • It is full of vitamin A and B
  • Contains fibre
  • Lowers the bad cholesterol level
  • Reduces heart disease risk
  • It is anti-inflammatory
  • Improves blood vessel function
lot of health benefits of Hazelnut

7- Pecans

Pecans are full of beneficial nutrients and have a lot of benefits, such as:

  • It is antioxidant
  • Protects the heart
  • Lowers the cholesterol level
  • Contains vitamin E
  • Maintains prostate health (for men)

8- Pine nuts

Pine nuts are harvested from a specific kind of pine cones, and they are not originally nuts. It has a lot of health benefits as well as other nuts, including:

  • Supports heart health
  • Contains protein
  • Prevents body from cancer
  • Helps weight loss
  • Provides minerals such as iron and copper
  • Boosts energy

9- Peanuts

With a bit different in peanut’s source, it has a lot of health benefits as well. Peanuts are not from tree nuts, but they are healthy nuts. You can enjoy peanuts and their health benefits in different forms, such as raw peanuts, roasted peanuts, roasted and salted peanuts, etc.

Now, let’s go through the health benefit of peanuts:

  • Protects the body from heart disease
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes
  • It is effective in having a long lifetime

10- Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts come from the trees located in the Amazon, which contain a lot of benefits that are mentioned below.

  • It is antioxidant
  • It is rich in Selenium
  • Reduces cholesterol level
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves the blood pressure
  • Reduces inflammation

How many nuts should you eat a day?

Even though bodies are different and the amount of intake nuts and calorie differs from a person to another, in general, there is a recommended guide for the number of nuts one should eat every day:

  • 30 almonds 
  • 10 Brazil nuts 
  • 15 cashews 
  • 20 hazelnuts 
  • 15 macadamias 
  • 15 pecans 
  • 2 tablespoons pine nuts 
  • 30 pistachios
  • 10 whole walnuts or 20 walnut halves 
  • A small handful of peanuts or mixed nuts.

Are nuts bad for you?

Before adding nuts to your diet, you should know some points:

  • Allergic reactions
    Nuts can be harmful if you have a potential trigger.
    Unfortunately, there is no particular cure for people who are allergic to nuts. So, they should avoid eating nuts.
    Also, there is no limitation of eating nuts for pregnant and breastfeeding women if they are not allergic to nuts. Therefore, they can eat nuts without being worried.
  • Choking problems for children
    By children, we mean kids under 3 years old who can’t chew well, and eating some nuts may cause choking problems for them.
    But it doesn’t mean that they can’t use nuts at all! Kids can use peanut butter, almond butter, and seed oils.
nuts effect

Where can I buy nuts and seeds?

If you are looking for an online shop providing all kinds of nuts, then you should take a look at the Natural Moreish website.

We provide all kinds of nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachio, cashew, peanuts, and walnuts at a very affordable price.

Just give it a try!

All in all
Knowing the health benefits of nuts makes you be a step ahead of others, and adding them to your diet will keep your body healthy.

What are your favourite nuts? And how do you use nuts in your everyday life? We are all ears to hear your experiences of adding nuts to your diet. 

PS. This article is written based on the research that Natural Moreish content team has done on different blogs, websites and articles. Natural Moreish doesn’t suggest acknowledge or claim the information on this post.


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