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Health Benefits of Matcha Tea

What Are the Health Benefits of Matcha Tea?

Published on August 22, 2020

Hot drinks have their fans. From different types of tea and coffee, you can’t find anyone who doesn’t enjoy drinking hot beverages. Among all kinds of tea, herbal teas are trending these days. They not only warm your body like regular tea but also have many benefits, from relaxing the body to reducing the risk of cancer.

This post will introduce you to one of the healthiest tea you can find: the magical Matcha tea with lots of health benefits and enjoyable flavour. If you want to learn more about this tea, follow this post.

What is Matcha tea?

Matcha is the powdered form of green tea. When the green tea leaves grow, they will be taken and ground into a bright green powder, which is whisked with hot water and make matcha tea.

Although matcha tea and green tea are made with the same leaves, they are different. In regular green tea, the leaves are infused in hot water and then removed, but in matcha tea, you drink the powdered leaves with your tea. Now we can see how beneficial matcha tea is.

Matcha is the powdered version of green tea leaves.

7 Top health benefits of Matcha tea

  • Packed with antioxidants

Matcha tea is considered an antioxidant powerhouse. Antioxidants are one of the most significant substances in different fruits, nuts, and foods. They are accommodating for the body because of their anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.

The great news is that matcha is packed with an exceptional amount of antioxidants, even more than blueberries or pomegranates. Moreover, a study shows that one cup of matcha tea has as many antioxidants as 10 cups of brewed green tea.

Antioxidants have many benefits for the body. By consuming matcha tea every day, you can increase your antioxidant intake and help your body fight against free radicals and cell damages caused by it. As a result, you can lower the risk of many chronic diseases.

The amount of antioxidants in Matcha tea compared to regular green tea.
Source image: matchasource website.
  • Can protect the liver

The liver’s health is so important, as it has a vital role in flushing out toxins and processing nutrients. Some studies have found that drinking matcha tea every day for two weeks has a significant impact on liver enzyme levels. To prevent liver damage, the liver enzyme levels should be reduced, which is what matcha tea does. Therefore, drinking matcha tea can decrease the risk of liver disease.

  • May reduce cancer

As mentioned earlier, matcha is rich in antioxidants. One of the unique and most beneficial antioxidants is called catechins, which can be rarely found in any other foods. Catechin is one of the most important compounds that have cancer-fighting properties.

The catechin EGCg (epigallocatechin gallate) can also effectively fight free radicals, such as pollution, UV rays, radiation, and other things that may lead to cell damage and cancer. One study found that the EGCg in matcha can kill prostate cancer cells.

However, we should mention that these are just some tests, and other factors may impact the result too. Therefore, it doesn’t mean all people may fight cancer only by drinking matcha tea. But if you don’t have cancer, drinking this tea can help your body become more immune against the cell damages that may cause cancer.

  • Is heart-healthy

High cholesterol in the blood is one of the main reasons that heart attacks occur. But green tea can reduce the level of bad LDL cholesterol in the body. Therefore, the risks of heart diseases and stroke is lowered by drinking matcha tea. However, it should be noted that a healthy lifestyle and diet are other factors that can help to decrease the risks of heart problems.

  • Boosts brain function

Matcha powder contains 35 mg of caffeine per gram or half teaspoon. That’s a lot more than the amount of caffeine in green tea. Caffeine consumption has an impact on brain function. It can help the brain to react faster. Moreover, caffeine can also enhance memory and increase attention.

There is also a compound in matcha called L-theanine, which can even make caffeine more effective. Additionally, L-theanine can help decrease stress levels and induce relaxation.

  • Is calorie-burner

Green tea is a well-known drink that can help with losing weight. Matcha also carries the same properties that are helpful for people who are following a weight-loss plan.

Some studies showed that drinking matcha tea before exercise can help the body burn more fat and calories. Furthermore, matcha is almost calorie-free. At the same time, it can boost metabolism and burn fat. Therefore, adding matcha tea to your weight-loss diet can help you get a better result.

  • Is energy boosting

Although matcha powder doesn’t have any calories, drinking it can boost energy. Some researchers believe it’s because of the high amount of concentrated caffeine in this tea.

But the combination of matcha’s natural properties may be the main reason people who drink matcha experience a boost of energy. Moreover, since matcha tea increases alertness in the brain, people feel they are more energetic.

Matcha tea is an energy boosting drink.

What is the taste of matcha tea?

Although matcha tea and green tea are made from the same leaf, matcha is sweeter and creamier than regular green tea. Since this tea is made of powdered leaves, it has more flavour and smell than green tea.

How to prepare Matcha tea?

Matcha tea is very easy to prepare. You can easily mix 1 or 2 tablespoons (almost 2 to 4 grams) of matcha tea powder into a cup filled with 2 ounces (59 ml) of hot water.

Mix them with a spoon and enjoy drinking. Some people may add cinnamon or honey to this drink to make it tastier or sweeter. If you want your tea to be more concentrated, limit the water to 30 ml, and add two tablespoons of matcha powder.

Preparing Matcha tea is so easy.

How much Matcha tea can we drink in a day?

Matcha powder is packed with lots of nutrients and health benefits. But like any other food or drink, you should consume it in moderation.

Commonly, drinking 1 or 2 cups of matcha tea during the day is enough. But drinking more than this amount may have side effects. Since the amount of caffeine in matcha powder is so high, drinking in excess (more than 2 cups) during the day may cause headaches, insomnia, irritability, diarrhea, and heart urn.

Matcha powder nutrition facts

Calorie of matcha tea3
Total catechins105 mg
EGCg61 mg
Total amino acids34 mg
L-theanine14.26 mg
Caffeine35 mg
Fiber318 mg
Carbs447 mg
Vitamin C1.75 mg
Vitamin A291 umit
Potassium26.6 mg
in 1 gram

Bottom Line

Matcha tea is one of the most beneficial teas you can drink during the day. Since it is made with the same leaf of regular green tea, it carries the same benefits.

But since it is a powdered version and consumed more concentrated, in some cases, it is healthier and tastier than regular green tea. One cup of matcha tea contains the nutritional contents that 10 cups of brewed green tea has. That makes matcha more potent than traditional green tea. However, like any other food and drink, matcha tea should also be consumed in moderation to avoid side effects.

PS. This post has been gathered by searching different sites and articles. Natural Moreish doesn’t claim the facts in this post.


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