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10 Spooky Snack Ideas for Halloween 2021 1

10 Spooky Snack Ideas for Halloween 2021

Published on October 30, 2021

What is scarier than processed food, sugar and obesity? The most horrifying thing for me around this time of the year is how children knock themselves out with unlimited chocolates and candies! So, at the end of the night, the street is full of kids with sugar rush bouncing up and down around the block. JK! But to think of it, we should be more considerate of the snacks we give for trick or treat.

My grandma used to bake some healthy cookies and give them to children on Halloween instead of those processed candies! You know, healthy may sound a little boring, but at least you don’t need to stay some extra hours at the gym after eating something healthy!

Halloween is one of the most exciting times for children, so let’s make it healthy fun for our babies.

In this article, I’ve gathered some ideas for Halloween snacks that you can bake or just give away from their package.

Here’s what you’ll read in this article:

  • Halloween History and traditions
  • Simple treats for Halloween
  • Non-food treats for Halloween
  • Some Ideas and Recipes for Healthy treats

Halloween History and traditions

The name Halloween, first recorded in the 16th century, is derived from a Scottish abbreviation of All-Hallows Eve and has its origins in the Gaelic holiday of Samhain. Here’s the list of five Halloween traditions that you may not hear about:

  1. Neep Lanterns: Some communities in the past would light big bonfires to keep evil ghosts away. In the original Scottish tradition, people carved scary faces into neeps to create lanterns that scares off spirits wondering around.
  2. Apple Dunking: This game is an ancient Celtic tradition that remained popular at Halloween parties. Players should grab an apple floating in a bowl of water without using their hands. Very fun!
  3. Treacle Scones: In this game players are again banned from using their hands and they should take bites out of sticky scones covered with treacle that are dangling from a string. Tasty and messy, no wonder it is popular!
  4. Guising: Scottish children traditionally wore costumes and pretended they were evil spirits as they went guising around their neighborhood. Could be the origin of today’s trick or treat!
  5. Nut Burning: Do you want to know if you and your loved one will live happily ever after? There was a common Halloween tradition among newly engaged couples that involved each individual putting a nut in a fire. If it burned quietly, they would live happily ever after.

Simple treats for Halloween

If you don’t have time to cook healthy snacks, you can gather some nuts and dried fruits and make a trail mix. Or you can make these cute Halloween snacks. All you need is:

String cheese, clementine, peach cups and black sharpies.

All you need to do is draw some faces on it and make sure they’re dry, and That’s it! Such an easy peasy Halloween treat you got there.

Spooky Snakcs
Credit: Ronni Peck

Some Ideas and Recipes for Healthy treats

We love the Halloween season. But the candy overload is real! And it’s not just trick-or-treating. It seems like kids are getting candy at EVERY Halloween-themed event leading up to the big night.

If you wish you could curb the sweets without spoiling the fun, this roundup is for you. Make your contribution to the class party or your next at-home spooky celebrations candy-free!

Here are some ideas to get creative on your Halloween party:

1. Milano Mummies

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Milano Mummies

There’s nothing wrong with ripping open a bag of cookies and adding your scary twist when you’re in a hurry. With the help of melted white chocolate, this recipe transforms Milanos into mummies. Just with three ingredients.

2. Devil Egg Eyeballs

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Deviled Egg Eyeballs

On their own, deviled eggs sound excellent for Halloween. When you include some beet puree in the mix, this healthy snack takes on a whole new level of spookiness.

3. Monster Wraps

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Monster wraps

Add sliced Cheddar, olives, and cornichon pickles to these monster wrap to make them come alive! Fill the sandwich with your choice filling of choice.

4. Bat Energy bites

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Bat bites

If the wonderfully batty appearance of these essential energy bites doesn’t put a little spring in your step, nothing will. They’re prepared with critical ingredients like dark chocolate, peanut butter, honey, and oats. Just get the recipe here.

5. Spooky Stuffed Bell Pepper

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Stuffed Pepper

Plan a Halloween-themed supper featuring lovely stuffed bell peppers instead of just desserts and snacks. Vegetables have never tasted so good, thanks to the addition of zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, and onions (and spooky).

6. Silly Apple Bites

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Silly apple bites

Healthy, Spooky and funny! That’s an excellent combination for a Halloween snack. These yummy and wonderful, silly apple bites can bring a lot of joy to your party. They are very easy to make, and you don’t have to turn your oven on for them!

7. Pretzel and Cheese Witch Broom

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witch broom snack

Aside from their hats, brooms are the most defining accessory of a witch! Now you can make this easy snack with only two ingredients so witches can come to visit you on Halloween.

8. Frozen Banana Mummies

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banana mummies

Who have thought a banana could be this spooky! This wonderful snack is super healthy and delicious. The only thing you need is some imagination and just three ingredients. It doesn’t take much time; you should try it.

9. Spooky fruit plate

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Halloween fruit plate

All you need for this Spooky fruit plate is some fruits (of course), a little white chocolate, dark chocolate, and a creative mind!

10. Pumpkin Peanut Butter Cups

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peanut butter cups

This one is Horrifyingly delicious! Who can pass on peanut butter! Also, it contains pumpkin as the main ingredient of Halloween. You can enjoy this excellent and healthy snack with a cup of tea on a cold spooky night!

Bottom Line

You guys know that it’s always better to stick to healthy options for snacking, and Halloween is a good time for changing some unhealthy eating habits. You can replace candies and calorie-dense foods with nuts, dried fruits and nutritious foods. Don’t forget to watch “Nightmare before Christmas,” a perfect Tim Burton artwork for this time of the year. I wish you a Spooky Halloween, Yoo ha haw!


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